
Frequently Asked Questions

I am not sure whether you can help me. How can I find out?

We often see people who are desperate and have given up on seeking help because they have seen a lot of people in the past, and have, in the end felt let down by their approach. They have often had a lot of tests done and these have either been “normal” or the person treating them has not known how to treat abnormal results.
Do you feel you have not been heard, and you have been fobbed off with some made up story that doesn’t make sense.

It is frustrating to have an illness where all your tests are normal or point to some untreatable condition when you know that there is something wrong. We specialise in getting successful outcomes for these types of problems where no one else has been able to provide a solution.

Rather than looking for enough symptoms to make a diagnosis we try and make sense of every symptom that you have, because they all mean something. We feel that the more we can make sense of your symptoms the better picture we have of what is going on, so that our treatment is more successful.
We drill down to the biochemistry that is behind your symptoms and look at nutrients that you might be lacking, toxins that are affecting you, hormonal imbalances (that are too subtle for normal blood tests to pick up), food intolerances, and how your brain processes things.

We often see things that other providers do not know about and are not picked up on conventional testing, like mould related illness, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), pyrrole disorder, porphyria. These problems often lead to body wide issues that are sometimes seen in isolation and be put down to individual unconnected problems (eg chest pain might be thought to be heart related, gut ache might be thought of as a gut issue, depression may be thought to be due to psychological issues) when all of them could be related to underlying inflammation due to mould exposure.

How do I make an appointment with you?

Appointments can be either by phone or email. Please contact our receptionist, Liz on 07 855 8592 or [email protected].

We offer the following appointments:
Dr Steve Joe
Urgent, Priority or Normal
Kate Moffat
Kate usually has a shorter waiting list and has been fully trained by Dr Steve in the methods that he uses.

Steve and Kate liaise on a lot of cases so you might end up seeing both of them at different times.

What happens at the first appointment?

Before your first appointment we will get you to fill on some questionnaires so that we know what we are in for. You will also do a urine sample for us to check for leaky gut.
The first appointment is a fact finding exercise, examination treatment plan and nutritional assessment and plan. It helps if you bring as much information as possible. It is helpful if you can provide a one page summary of your problems. Any specialist letters and investigations are also helpful as it can cut down on further investigations that you may need. At the end of the first appointment a treatment plan will be formulated and either given to you before you leave, or in more complex problems, one will be sent to you.
The initial appointment involves seeing Dr Steve for an hour and then Kate for 30-45 minutes. Kate will give the nutritional advice that is so important for achieving success

I do not know how long I need to make an appointment for?

In general the first appointment takes an hour with me then up to 45minutes with my nutritionist, Kate to go over the plan and any changes in diet that may be needed. I prefer to run appointments to time so if we need to take more time then another appointment will be made for you.

What happens at subsequent appointments?

Subsequent appointments are used to review and if necessary modify the treatment according to the plan that has been given to you. Often treatment plans will evolve depending on your response to treatment. Follow up appointments are usually for 20 minutes.

I would like further information about the types of treatment to expect. Where can I get this?

Please look at the links on the website. If you are still unsure, please feel free to email me at [email protected].

What problems do you treat?

I bring a different perspective to all types of health problems. If you are unsure if I can help, please email me at [email protected]. Pleasehave a look at other sections of our website

What is Applied Kinesiology? Is it recognised by conventional doctors?

Please see the information on this website and links to Applied Kinesiology sites. Applied kinesiology is not recognised by conventional doctors, but it is practiced worldwide by doctors, dentists, chiropractors and osteopaths who have undertaken post-graduate training in this field. I view it as treatment that doctors would use if they did not have access to medication. It is a drug free method of treatment that is often successful in difficult to treat conditions.

Do I have informed consent?

Coming to see me implies that you are open to unconventional treatments. No treatment will be undertaken unless you are comfortable in with it.

When should I expect improvement?

We aim to get significant improvements within 3-6 months. Sometimes it can take longer. For example cases of chronic fatigue syndrome can take months to years before slow steady improvements occur. Sometimes we cannot make any progress because of the chronicity of the condition, but we will let you know if we think that this point has been reached rather than continue unnecessarily.

How long does it take to get the results of special lab tests?

We do not usually order specialised tests anymore, preferring to use a good history and examination to diagnose and treat you. However we can access tests for problems related to methylation, faecal analysis, disease risk profiles, hormone, vitamin and mineral profiles. The tests are sent to either Australia or US for analysis and typically take 4-6 weeks. If we are planning long term treatment, then sometimes it is important to do the specialised test

What payment options are there?

In order to keep costs down, I would appreciate it if payment can be made immediately after the consultation. Appointments and supplements that you may need can be charged to your credit card or paid by EFTPOS or direct credit into my bank account. If we send out supplements to you , please pay within 7 days. Overseas patients can pay on paypal.

Does Medical Insurance cover the costs of treatment?

Medical insurance will only cover the cost of consultations up to the limit allowable for a General Practice visit.

How do I cancel my appointment?

As my appointments tend to be long, I would appreciate at least 24 hours notice of cancellation before your appointment. Normal consultation charges may apply if you cancel too late.

Someone else wants to come with me, are they allowed to?

Of course you can bring someone with you. It is a good idea to have someone with you because we will cover a lot of different aspects of your case and having someone there will help you remember the details.
It is important that your companion knows that my sole focus is on your problem.

I am not sure what to do between appointments. Where can i find help?

Feel free to email us at [email protected] or [email protected] and either I or Kate will get back to you. Alternatively you can consult with your usual health provider in emergencies. Please note that we are not available Friday-Sunday.

I would like to keep my usual doctor in the loop about what I am doing. Do you communicate with them?

Some patients feel embarrassed about telling their GP or specialist that they are seeking alternative treatment. However, it is common to look for complementary treatments and we encourage you to keep them fully informed. Our aim is to get the best outcome out of conventional and alternative treatments for you. Please let us know whether you would like to communicate with your doctor. We would prefer to keep them informed if possible.

Will the alternative treatments interfere with my usual treatments?

Every care is taken to make sure that your treatment does not interfere with what you are already on. Where there may be a concern, we encourage you to discuss this with your usual doctor.

How much does it cost?

This depends on the urgency that you want your appointment, Please email or phone for enquiries. Please note that our fees are higher than other practices, but 99% of any testing in house at no extra cost so you will save in the long run.

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